I love exploring the mysteries of life and writing stories that promote a better future for humanity.
I love exploring the mysteries of life and writing stories that promote a better future for humanity.
Nature inspires me every day. So I campaign about the environment, and research social issues which challenge young adults. One of my greatest passions is travelling to do author’s visits, workshops & events in schools, libraries and universities around these isles and overseas.
My new Main Presentation is called “Writing Your Future”
It inspires students in the arts and crafts of writing, storytelling and can even rekindle a passion for spelling and etymology! This is a one hour interactive presentation or workshop, adapted for Years 6 up to sixth form and university level. The content is drawn from my skills in various genres as a successfully published author: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, articles.
"We had such a wonderful day. Mark and his team were fantastic to work with. The students really enjoyed Mark’s presentations, as did the staff. We’re more than happy to invite him back to the school in the near future."